Saturday, April 18, 2009

Car Commercial Fail

I'm sure by now many of you have seen this commercial for the Honda Civic.

It took me at least two watchings of this commercial to realize that the musical road was supposed to be playing Rossini's William Tell overture. The pitches are very very wrong, and some of the rhythms are too.

Hilariously, many YouTube commenters have taken Honda to task over this one. Glad I don't have to.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Goat Button!

I think I need something explained to me here.

Some cheerleaders at a high school in California get kicked off the team for skipping school.

Their parents find out that the cheerleading coach had posed for Playboy, make copies of the photos, and leave them on the principal's desk.

Cheerleading coach gets fired. (NSFW)

With parents like these, no wonder they raised such stupendous children who were dumb enough to get kicked off the team in the first place.

I realize that the coach probably would have been fired anyway, once the photos were found out. But as a teacher, I have too many times seen the awful actions done by parents in defense of their children's actions...when they kids usually deserved the punishment they received.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Musical Wit

Go here.

The vertical boxes represent the pitches of an A pentatonic scale. The horizontal boxes represent beats.

By the time I figured this out and asked Jarret what we could do with it, he'd already had it set up to play the riff to "Under Pressure."

I heart him.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Beatles-Related Squee

John Lennon considered the number 9 to be special, and The Beatles and the Apple Corps. have always tried to consider that. It just so happens that September 9th of this year (9/9/09) falls on a Tuesday - the weekday to release various forms of entertainment. A few months ago, The Beatles announced that on that day, they will release their version of Rock Band.

(And just to show you that the Tuesday thing is important in the business we call show...The Beatles didn't release anything on 9/9/99. They re-released Yellow Submarine into theatres the previous Friday (the 1st) and waited until the following Tuesday (the 14th) to release the Yellow Submarine songtrack and DVD.)

However, this week The Beatles announced something for release that day that's much better, and Beatles fans have been waiting for it a very long time.

The digital remastering of the entire original Beatles catalogue.

Complete with lots of little extra goodies that make me literally go "eeeeeee!" The official Beatles website has a nice little thing about it on the home page.

May I take the time to point out that 9/9/09 is only 42 days before my 25th birthday?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Random Stuff

This website, Wanna Feel Old?, is not making me feel too good about myself today. Especially since I seem to be the same age as the site's creator.

However, this pic (originally taking during protests from last year's olympic torch relay, I think), never fails to make me smirk.

Opening Day is today! I got Yankees tickets for the 18th. I'm very excited.

I tried to get tickets to a concert at Radio City Music Hall last Saturday. It was a benefit concert for the David Lynch Foundation, which seeks to teach Transcendental Meditation to a million students worldwide. I'm not much for the meditation stuff, but Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr were set to perform. I couldn't get tickets in my price range, not for lack of trying. And I missed this. The Beatles fanatic in me is sad.