Sunday, September 30, 2007

A story

The other day I was waiting for my food at a diner when I decided to use the restroom. It's a very small restroom, two stalls, hardly anyone is ever in it.

Except for this time, both stalls were taken, one of them by a mother with two toddler daughters, with her not bothering to close the stall door to hoist the younger girl over the toilet seat. As I entered the room, she was yelling "Why are you wearing a diaper? I thought you were wearing pull-ups today..." The occupant of the other stall came out and informed me that it didn't have any toilet paper left, and I'd have to take some from the other stall.

Of course, the harried mother hadn't even noticed I was there. As I pondered for a second whether to ask her for toilet paper, the other daughter tugged on her mother's sleeve. "Mommy, hurry up! I have to pee too!" Mommy turned her head around and yelled at her, "You'll have to wait! She's going poopies!"

I didn't have to go that badly. I waited until I got home.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Busy! But here's a life update.

School started three weeks ago. I've either been too busy or too tired to post anything.

School is definitely starting more smoothly than last year, but that doesn't mean it's all good, either. A lot of new stuff got thrown at us that we're trying to sort out, from a new schedule to work lessons around to little things like dripping pipes and holes in the wall.

Jarret got a teaching job as well, a leave replacement position, which means he's a certified substitute, writing up his own lessons and teaching, but still getting paid like a substitute teacher, only with more money than a regular sub gets. The place where he's teaching is a lot closer to my house than his, so he's staying with me a few nights a week now. It's a happy thing.

Some of my electronics are getting hand me down upgrades. My five year old computer is running out of space, so I'm upgrading to my mom's old computer, which is only a couple of years younger, but has a lot more space and a tv tuner/recorder in it. A good thing for when I have school functions at night. (Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, and ER premiere this Thursday, and I have Back-to-School Night! Gah!) Mom and Jeff spent like an entire afternoon bringing that comp back from the dead, so I'm grateful. Also, to solve the problem of a broken tv at my mom's, we moved my grandma's tv to my dad's house, and my tv at dad's to my mom's. Zero dollars spent for me. Maybe I inherited this trait from my dad, who fixed the computer in his house by switching power supplies with another computer from his office. Keep in mind he acquired this computer from work for free when they upgraded their computers.

I shall leave this post with something about my brother Bryan, who has become a gym rat and eating pretty much nothing but turkey sandwiches, yogurt, and hard boiled eggs these past few months. On Friday, I came home from work, and Bryan said to me "hide the snacks next time." You see, Jarret and I had gone grocery shopping for when he stays over. One of things I had bought was a pack of Double-Stuf Oreos, which I'd had a craving for since my dream about them a while back. I'd eaten two of them. Bryan had eaten the rest. In one sitting. Holy crap.