However, Wednesday morning, a whole period's worth of class time was shot when a kid decided to keel over and throw up on some chairs about five minutes after the class started (he's fine). On Friday morning, we lost most of rehearsal for another class when we had an evacuation after a bomb score.
But that was just at work. Thursday evening, my brother returned home to find that the house had been broken into. Our glass back door had been smashed in, the golf club used to do it (found lying around on our porch) left stranded on a chair. Bits of glass extended to all corners of the family room. We can't use the top lock to our front door anymore, since they'd originally tried to jimmy that open with a knife and got the tip stuck inside. The aforementioned glass smasher had apparently cut themselves while trying to open the door, as evidenced by this person staggering around drunk and leaving blood stains on the walls.
(The stickers on the door were so we wouldn't walk into clear glass. The sticker on the wall is from the police.)
How do we know they were drunk? How do I know to say "they?" Because the only thing missing in the entire house was almost every drop of alcohol we had, and there were no blood stains found by the liquor cabinet. Most of what was taken was hard liquor brought over from my grandmother's house in our search to sort out her things after her death, so it's more of a odd sentimental loss than material.
The worst part is, we know who was involved with this, the police agree with us, but no one can pin any evidence to convict anyone (yet...hopefully), and there's nothing we can do right now to make sure something like this doesn't happen again with worse things missing than alcohol.
This coming week actually has the potential to be worse for me, believe it or not, and I just don't want it to be. I just can't do it.